I got to take the PUSH out for her maiden voyage the other day at Uppers. Wasn’t sure what to expect, but was pleased with how she went. The waves were head high and glassy, so I felt like I was able to make a fair assessment. The board is super flowy, I had a ton of fun just trimming down the line. Felt like I was riding a fun board, only the thing is 5’3″. The wide/flat deck made for noticeably more stability allowing me to ride out of a couple turns that surprised me. The hand shaped fins held up good too, I was kinda surprised they didn’t hum. The board got a lot of reaction in the water too. A couple crew thought the thing was a boogie! Anyhow, so far so good.
On the beach I ran into Venice based photog Ruben Pina who grew up in Santa Monica with Natas (small world). He was stoked on the board, said it reminded him of the Jeff Ho kneeboard style boards he grew up with. Ruben was kind enough to pass along a few B&W shots of the PUSH in action.
Thanks Ruben!
Featured model: PUSH
5’3″ x 20″ x 2 1/2″ with fiberglass photo real graphic inlays and hand shaped skate deck twin keels